Monday, October 26, 2009

House Hearing Report on Combating Gangs

In light of the recent major drug raids across North America, here you can find a related report from the Government Accountability Office to the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

Titled "Combating Gangs: Better Coordination and Performance Measurement Would Help Clarify Roles of Federal Agencies and Strengthen Assessment of Efforts," the report addresses the roles of various federal departments and law enforcement agencies in combating gang crime, including coordination, performance measurement, and funding.

The report ultimately recommends that the Department of Justice:
...reexamine roles of headquarters anti-gang entities, establish performance measures for antigang efforts, review [US District Attorney] gang-related case data, and, along with [the Department of Homeland Security], develop a common definition for “gang.”
The report also states that the Homeland Security Department agrees with these recommendations.

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